DI. Diary: Necropolis, Part 2

The city of the dead. Surely, it would be diverse and grand, speaking to the achievement of those few who conquered death (and capitalism) and kept living. At the same time there should be something ghoulish about it. After all, the realization that there is an...

DI. Diary: Necropolis, Part 1

Today I’ll tell you about Necropolis and the people who live there. How would the city of the dead look like? A city that is not administered by netherworldy horrors but by people? In the end, it’s people who give the city its shape, and people in...

DI. Diary: Time as Currency, Part 2

So, time as currency! Sounds cool in theory, but how does it pan out in practice? Well, not bad. It took me a lot of trial and error, but I found a certain European currency with a pricing-to-product ratio that matched the one I had in mind for the novel. After I got...

DI. Diary: Time as Currency, Part 1

Today’s topic will be the currency of Necropolis, which is time itself. “…you earn time by working, you pay for food with time, you rent a flat with time; you loan time from a bank, and if you’re late with payments, poof” (meaning: you cease to...

India Adventure, Part 3

In the last month we’ve been to Sri Lanka and Nepal! In Sri Lanka we got to enjoy some paradise-quality beaches (I swam with a turtle, wooo!), while in Nepal we hung out with the locals (the people were so chill!) and breathed in the fresh Himalayan air… instead...