Wohoo, another short story published!


I was inspired by Murakami when writing it, which is funny since it got acquired by a Korean lit mag. Murakami is a Japanese author, yet I wonder if it wasn’t thanks to some of the tendencies in his writing that got the story sold to an Asian market, where weird, open-ended stories are more commonplace. Perhaps the geography of literature is better defined than I thought.

In other news, I’m on a trip to India with W! It’s a wonderful country, the people are so friendly. I get many new writing ideas, though I can’t utilize them since I’m suffering from mild sleeplessness. Dogs are barking, we once woke up to a scream in the dead of the night, and people are honking constantly. If something stands in their way, be it a person, a tuk-tuk, or a possibility of a person or tuk-tuk, it takes them less than a second to slam their klaxon and BEEP-BEEP-BEEEEEEEEP the fucker out.

There was also this one situation I turned it into a horror flash-story. It was out first contact with India when we got off at the Delhi airport:

I sit down in a cab and try to pull the seatbelt free out of its socket. The driver turns to me and smiles, white teeth shining.
‘No seatbelt,’ is all he says.
I carefully put the seatbelt away. The man, still smiling, starts up the engine.

In the next post I’ll start sprinkling some info about my newest novel. Until then, safe travels!