I’m Peter Wynd, a writer of 26. My writing focuses on imaginative worldbuilding, entertainment, and, hopefully, delight.
(If you want to read something, it’s the best time ever, since my short story got published just 2 weeks ago! It’s about a milk-seller terrorizing a village with his price-changes. You can read it here:https://mythaxis.co.uk/issue-36/summer-in-duncanny.html)
So, what will you find on this blog? Some slices of life, perhaps. Mostly tidbits of info about the stuff I currently write. Various things, but brief. Brief is important. I wouldn’t want to bore you or myself. I’ll aim to post at the beginning of each month, sometimes more often. Let’s start with that.
Another question: why make a blog? For the sake of continuity, I guess. It’s nice to romanticize my lonely process of writing a novel and turn it into some epic quest with beginning and end. You know, to give it some narrative… writers are crazy about those.
Managing social media as a fledgling writer is difficult, though: for the last four years I’ve been sitting at my desk and writing a book. What do you want me to say about it? How many pages I’ve cut? How the keys on my keyboard make different sounds depending on wear, or how my kkk kkkkkkkey is broken? I bet you’d rather read the damn thing when it finally comes out.
All in all, I’m not best at social media presence. For you, dear reader, it means this: that following this blog is like betting on a horse in a race, and knowing that the horse is kind of lame, weird, and with some of its teeth missing.
Bet on this horse, if you wish. In fairy tales, sometimes even a lame horse can win.